Monday, May 31, 2010

What Have They Done?

The tragic farce that is the BP oil spill keeps bringing back to mind lines from Jim Morrison.

What have they done to the earth?
What have they done to our fair sister?
Ravaged and plundered and ripped her and bit her,
Stabbed her with knives in the side of the dawn,
Tied her with fences and
Dragged her down.

Well, Jim, we still want the world and we still want it now,
but it turns out that it didn't matter if we had the numbers.
They had the guns.


colelee said...

I love that song however remember this piece of the song? Arguably, one of the most beautifully intense moments of any Rock song is when Morrison screams, "Persian Night! See the Light! Save Us! Jesus! Save Us!" The first 2 lines reference the wise men from the Bible, often referred to as The Magi. The Magi is a priestly caste from ancient Persia. On that Christmas night the Persian Magi looked into the night and saw the Star of Bethlehem. I had to look up the Magi part of this quote

Dr. Ellis L. (Skip) Knox said...

Sure, I remember. Got the song right here. I'm not sure how Biblical Morrison was being; he was a big William Blake fan and I think he was just going for the imagery and the rhyme.

Sometimes, as the poet said, a poem does not mean, but be. Or words to that reflect.