Saturday, October 02, 2004

God is a UFO

I know people who sincerely believe there are alien spacecraft that have either visited Earth or are currently doing so. These are otherwise seemingly normal people of normal intelligence, and they sometimes become affectionately concerned over my lack of belief in these things. The proofs for the existence of UFOs are almost without end, as are the refutations for same.

Finally, a few years ago, I reconsidered the matter and came up with a new reply.

Yes, UFOs may exist. Or they may not. The fact is, either way, it doesn't matter. If UFOs do exist, they are piloted by the most remarkably irrelevant, not to say outright stupid, creatures in the universe. If, after crossing the depths of space, the best they can manage is crop circles and cattle mutilation, then I say they are of no more interest than some species of beetle (pace entomology). They affect the course of human affairs not one whit. Let one of those puppies land on the White House lawn, or start destroying cities, enslaving the human race, or even ending disease and hunger, like a proper UFO, and now we're talkin'. Now we got ourselves an alien.

Meanwhile, it is much ado about nothing.

So it is with gods. In the good old days, gods brought in the harvest or struck down enemies in a quite tangible way. Nowadays, however, gods are at best relegated to the role of supporting actors. They cause things that cause things that affect us. Or something like that.

Oh sure, there are those who claim to have seen angels or even gods, who have had the benefit of divine intervention, and these folks are fervent believers. So are farmers who've been abducted by aliens and been whisked off to Venus. Who am I to denigrate one and elevate the other? I respect both, but I see no reason to think that their personal experiences somehow should form the foundation for my own beliefs and actions.

So, God is a UFO. Unbelievable on the face of it, but with legions of loyal followers who'll swear the evidence is overwhelming, that evil forces are at work to hide or pervert the truth, and those who disbelieve must surely be doing so wilfully. Meanwhile, the course of human events rolls on, untouched by powers either divine or alien.

-= Skip =-
(still smilin')

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