The Smiling Atheist
(wandering back after a long hiatus)
I respect fundamentalists, I truly do, and of all religions. IMO, they're the only ones who deserve the appellation "religious" (look up the Latin root).
I mean, if there really is a god -- any old god, but especially the Lone Diety type -- then we all are really and truly and genuinely insane if we don't just drop down on our knees and pray, and remain in that position until we drop.
What could possibly be more important than God's work? What could possibly matter more than immortal souls? Why worry about any law other than God's law? Why spend any of our time on anything at all other than trying to discern and follow the divine plan (I hope God doesn't use MS Project...)?
Nothing. Not a damned thing, you should pardon the expression. Everything and anything that isn't God-related pales to insignificance. It's almost criminal to think of spending one's time at anything other than prayer and meditation. All religions acknowledge this when they venerate the monk and the hermit above all other humans.
By similar logic, any religion or person who claims religiosity short of that utter dedication is a fool or a liar. It's like working for world peace by sending in a donation once a year. It's like going to school part time and calling one's self a scholar. It's like claiming you're in love but you're not ready for a full-time commitment.
And the worst of the worst are the ones who think they can treat religion like an a la cart menu. I'll take four commandments, three precepts and ritual please, hold the sacraments. It's religion as absurdist theater.
No, give me that old-timey religion, complete with Real Presence and daily miracles and I'll have my fire with brimstone if you please. These folks are serious. These folks have faith--that sort of unblinking, unthinking brain process that drives people to sainthood and suicide bombs in equal measure. It ain't nothin' to mess around with.
The trouble with the a la cart crowd is that they provide cover. They make religion look respectable, even friendly. With them, religion seems safe, fun! What it is, of course, is utterly trivial, a sort of Elks Lodge with deity, or a mere social convention. They get most of the air time, most of the real estate, most of the attention, so the fundamentalists get portrayed as aberrations.
Fundamentalism is not an aberration of religion. Fundamentalism is the destination of religion. It's present in every religion and is its natural tendency in the same way that war is the natural tendency of every society, or totalitarianism the ultimate end of every government.
So people are lulled into thinking religion is okay. Religion isn't okay. It's never okay. If it's merely "okay", then it isn't religion. And because we're lulled into thinking of religion as vaguely (or explicitly) benign, it becomes really difficult to formulate a socially compelling critique of religion. After all, there are all those very nice people going to church. It's difficult to paint them as the enemy of much of anything.
Meanwhile, the really dangerous elements are out there. From time to time they strike. From time to time they do astonishing good, too, be it said.
But none of that matters, because this isn't about whether religion is a Good Thing or a Bad Thing. Religion is merely a Silly Thing. Like war and totalitarianism, it's a thing we need to grow out of. It's old skin, and fundamentalism is where it sticks most tightly.
What to do?
Step One: don't feed the troll.
Don't argue with them. Don't get all hysterical when they blow something up or kill someone. Don't get all doe-eyed when they help in relief efforts or save the children. If we ignore them, they won't go away, but if we engage with them they will certainly prosper.
Don't feed the troll.
(and keep smilin')
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