Once I lived a worldly life, filled with
Tasks and toys and all earthly joys, and
It was all about me.
One day I felt, despite all of that, I'd somehow lost myself.
So I leaped off the corporate ladder;
I conceded the race to the rats
And landed in strange fields.
I saw that it is a crime to eat other creatures, and became a vegan,
And was happier for it.
I rejected violence, became a pacifist,
Saw the futility and falsity of politics,
Turned away from the world,
And was the happier for it.
I gave away my toys and cars,
Said farewell to family and friends and my dog,
Joined an ashram, living by meditation and donation,
And was happier for it.
Now, I spend each day in contented contemplation,
Aiming ever for ego-obliteration,
Living in the moment
Peaceful and resolved,
Because at long last,
It's only about me.
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