Sunday, April 05, 2009

Atheism is for Adults Only

When I was twelve I announced to my parents that I was an atheist. The informed me that I could not be an atheist as I was too young to make such a decision.

At the time, the statement struck me as outrageous, without knowing why. I think it was just a very young man's reaction to being told he wasn't supposed to believe what he believed. Later, I realized it was simply because my declaration scandalized my parents and that this was merely what they said out of shock and surprise.

But all these years later the incident comes back to me and makes me think that most profound of human thoughts: *huh*.

Ain't it odd, that whether Muslim or Hindu or Jew or Christian, you can be a child and be a believer. You can be a toddler -- you can be born a Hindu or a Christian or a Muslim or a Jew.

But it takes a grown-up to be an atheist.


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